I’m Kirsten, an intuitive guide, Reiki practitioner, artist, and yogi. My healing journey started in my late 20s, where I followed the breadcrumbs to unravel years and lifetimes of trauma.

Acupuncture, nutrition, and energy work unwound the tight knots in my physical and energetic bodies, and then I then found community through Earthways Yoga to bring my body, mind and essence into coherence. In working in Circle with friends in that community, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron connected me to my inner child and unblocked my creative channel.

This is when Energy Blueprints came into being. I opened my channel to the Divine and let the sacred colors, shapes and symbols flow onto paper without any attachment to the outcome, connecting with universal energies and truths, and allowing these vessels to hold the blueprints and frequencies of these energies. I began channeling blueprints for others, connecting with their guides and guardians and allowing the messages to be held in this sacred container; these blueprints of their energy.

This flow of energy opened me up to completing my Earthways Yoga teacher training, combining the tradition of yoga with the Nature Ways and Five Element lineage into a supportive practice and way of being, deepening my connection with Mother Earth and my intuitive self.

In 2020 I found the Akashic Records, and this set me on an even deeper path to connecting with my highest self, inner guidance, and in opening to intuitive gifts in a greater way.

In 2022 I dove deep into reading my own Records - following my soul’s guidance, and channeling these messages and frequencies into my Energy Blueprints. This was expanded immensely when I brought frequency into my life at the end of 2022- both with Healy and Reiki. 

In 2023 I completely reset my life. I quit my job, put all my things in storage, went on a summer-long vision quest, guided by the messages I received within my Akashic Records, by astrocartography in planning my route, and in working with my Healy to support me on my way. From this journey, I found my home and moved to a new town that is nourishing me in my next steps.

I’ve finally come home to myself and my highest alignment to my path. And sharing my gifts with you, so you may align with your highest path and share your light with the world, is what I am here to do. I’m grateful you’re here and am excited to be on this journey with you.